Grade Fixation Software
Grade Fixation Software

The benefit of 18 years of continuous service will be admissible to the teaching and non-teaching employees drawing pay in the revised pay structure up to Pay Band No.3. How pay will be fixed in the revised pay-structure when an employee will get the benefit of fixation of pay in the next higher grade pay after completion of 18 years of continuous service on or after ?

Grade Fixation Software

The following clarifications are given to the points of doubts raised from different corners:- Points of doubtġ.

Grade Fixation Software

several questions have been raised from different quarters as regards fixation of pay in the revised pay structure of the existing Assistant Teachers, Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress, Headmaster/ Headmistress, Head Teacher and Head Clerk of the educational institutions where they are now posted and even for such teachers who are in service after 1 st January, 2006 but ceased to be in service before for death or retirement, as the case may be. For any query, ask here: Pay Fixation of Teacher – Some ClarificationsĪfter issue of No.

Grade Fixation Software